Cathy Watson

Persona Archetype Coach

SOUL MAP: Sparrow | Peacock | Owl | Dog | Raven | Hot Swan


I’m an NLP Mindset, Archetypal & Self-worth Coach and the founder of the Shouty Mums Club. I’m a proud mother to two beautiful girls aged 7 & 4, a recovering perfectionist and people pleaser & a ‘Shouty Mum’ doing the work to own my shit EVERY SINGLE DAY.

I am passionate about helping amazing lost and overwhelmed Mums remember their worth, who they are and what they came here to do beyond their beautiful families and 9-5. 

When we unravel, uncover and discover how we meet our needs in low-quality ways that do not sustain us, we can far more effectively uphold strong boundaries within ourselves that meet our needs in healthy and empowering ways, we transcend our 'not enough' stories, heal our inner fractures, cultivate an empowering mindset and say yes to the life we can't stop dreaming about. 

Our children absorb their environment like a garden, we are their garden. They look to us as guides on how to live, love, and go out in the world. The empowering ways and the not-so-empowering ways they take it all in, they pick up the things we say and the things we don’t say, they read our microscopic energy.

We inspire our children to live bravely when we show them how to live fulfilling lives by loving ourselves, doing the work to uncover what beliefs were never ours to carry and releasing the limiting beliefs that keep us ‘safe’ by keeping us small, so we can show up as who we truly are and not what we've been indoctrinated to be to feel accepted.

Knowing your worth and who you truly are is the most powerful legacy we can give our little ones, this is how we find our purpose and how to reach our true potential in life.

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